SMS Features
What is URL encoding?
URL encoding converts characters into a format that can be sent through the internet. We should use URL encoding for all GET parameters because POST parameters are automatically encoded.
Why URL encoding?
URLs often contain characters outside the ASCII set, the URL has to be converted into a valid ASCII format. URLs use some characters for a special use in defining their syntax, when these characters are not used in their special role inside a URL, they need to be encoded. URL encoding is done to encode user input.
GET- & new&mobile&sender=123456&route=default
In this API, the message content "test & new" includes the '&' operator, due to which URL encoding is necessary, otherwise it will break your message content and an incomplete message will be sent
NOTE: If sent without a country code, submission and deduction depend on the detected country based on the starting number: For, 91xxxxxxxxxx, etc
What is URL encoding and how do URL encoding?
Jan 21, 2025MSG91 is a CPaaS platform to help you communicate with your users on multiple channels that provide secure and robust APIs and ready-to-use tools.
Click here for Login/Signup-
I. Configure the channel(s) that you would like to use
Communication Channels-
a. SMS
b. WhatsApp
c. Email
d. Voice
a. SMS-
From the Sender ID approval process to creating templates and sending SMS - Follow its doc here
b. WhatsApp
From creating a Facebook Business account to adding the number and templates- Follow its doc here
c. Email
For full Email configuration from adding a domain to sending Email - Follow its doc here
d. Voice -
From creating templates to sending voice- Follow its doc here
For any help in the below configuration, take help from our tech support team
II. There are 5 services to use the above-configured channels
a. Hello - Two-way communication with your customers - Tickets, Live Chat, Bot & Help-Centre - HelpDoc
Use Hello when you want to-
i) Manage your customer email tickets
ii) Facilitate your customer with live chat and view its analytics
iii) Create internal teams to manage email tickets and live chat
iv) Connect your customer on call or on-screen sharing
v) Manage your Help articles/docs and publish them for customers
b. Segmento (Contact Management system) - HelpDoc
Step by Step guide to start Segmento and utilize it fully-
i) Update your existing user data by CSV.
ii) Add API to bring new users and new user fields/attributes/events.
iii) Create Segments
iv) Send messages over SMS, WhatsApp, Email, etc. (run campaign) manually to all users of a particular segment or Automate based on user falls in any segment.
c. OTP verification service (Two-factor authentication)
Use the Send OTP API for sending OTP SMS and using voice as backup in retry with the Resend OTP API and verifying the OTP via the Verify OTP API.
Or you can integrate the Login with OTP Widget on your end and all these 3 APIs (Send, Resend, and Verify) will be called automatically. HelpDoc
d. Automate via RESTful APIs
Integrate a single Campaign API for all channels - HelpDoc [Recommended]
e. Integrate APIs separately for every channel -
For very specific use case which is not being solved by Campaign APIs
Use dedicated APIs -
i) For SMS
ii) For Email
iii) For Whatsapp
NOTE: If sent without a country code, submission and deduction depend on the detected country based on the starting number: For, 91xxxxxxxxxx, etc